What is a C-level executive or Chief level executive and which roles they play in an organization? A C-level executive or Chief level executive is the highest-level management personals who play a strategic role and make important decisions for an organization. Different organizations hold a different set of executive board level members. In general, the role is defined as ‘CxO’ where ‘C’ and ‘O’ signify ‘Chief’ and ‘Officer’ and the ‘x’ defines their respective field.
In Europe and Asia, there is a separate Board for Executives and Supervisors in an organization. The CEO or Chief Executive Officer presides the Executive Board and Chairman presides the Supervisory Board.
In the US & other countries that follow a single-board corporate structure, the CEO holds the highest position and all the directors and supervisors report directly to the CEO.
List of Chief level executives:
CEO (Chief Executive Officer):
The highest-ranking officer, often acts as the Chairman or Managing Director of a company. Responsible for the overall vision and direction and makes the final decision.
CAO (Chief Administrative Officer):
Supervises the daily administrative operations and maintains the overall performance of an organization.
CAO (Chief Accounting Officer:
Responsible for managing the company’s financial performance including financial planning, financial risk management & financial record keeping.
CAO (Chief Analytics Officer):
A senior manager responsible for data analysis and interpretation in an organization.
CBO (Chief Business Officer):
Execute a deal strategy to make a successful deal that fulfils the company mission and builds shareholder’s value.
CBO (Chief Brand Officer):
Responsible for a brand’s experience and propagation through marketing, advertising, customer experience.
CBDO (Chief Business Development Officer):
A high ranking officer who elaborate business development plans and supports business growth by working together with clients as well as business partners.
CCO (Chief Commercial Officer):
Responsible for commercial strategy and development of an organization. Controls marketing, sales, product development to drive business growth and company shares.
CCO (Chief Compliance Officer):
Responsible for managing regulatory compliance issues and reports to the CEO.
CCO (Chief Communications Officer):
Head of communications, public relations, and public affairs in an organization. Responsible for communication between employees, shareholders, media, press, and public.
CDO (Chief Development Officer):
Responsible for the overall development of an organization through product & market analysis, client need, etc.
CDO (Chief Data Officer):
Responsible for the utilization of data assets through data processing, data mining, information trading.
CEngO (Chief Engineering Officer):
Responsible for product research & development and improving manufacturing technology in an organization.
CFO (Chief Financial Officer):
Responsible for managing the company’s finances like financial risk management, financial planning and reporting. The CFO assists the COO (Chief Operating Officer) relating budgets, cost-benefit analysis and funding.
CGRO (Chief Government Relations Officer):
Take responsibility for all aspects of government relations.
CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer):
Responsible for human resource management and company-employee relations.
CIO (Chief Information Officer):
Responsible for information technology-related infrastructure development.
CIO (Chief Investment Officer):
Monitors and manages an organization’s assets portfolio. Responsible for investments and asset-liability management.
CISO (Chief Information Security Officer):
Responsible for identifying, developing & maintaining processes to reduce information-related risks.
CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer):
Responsible for knowledge management practices in an organization.
CLO (Chief Legal Officer):
Chief Legal Officer or Chief Lawyer of an organization deals with legal issues and business policies.
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer):
Holds responsibilities of marketing strategies like sales management, product development, pricing, product distribution & market research.
CMO (Chief Medical Officer):
Responsible for medical excellence in healthcare and hospitals. Head of a team of medical experts who advises on the matter of public health importance.
CNO (Chief Networking Officer):
Responsible for the business networking of an organization.
COO (Chief Operating Officer):
The second-in-command of an organization after the CEO. Responsible for business operations and often called ‘Director of Operations’.
CPO (Chief Process Officer):
Responsible for establishing business processes and policies to maintain company strategy.
CPO (Chief Procurement Officer):
Responsible for procurement, sourcing & related services of an organization.
CPO (Chief Product Officer):
Responsible for product strategy, user experience, design, development & marketing.
CQO (Chief Quality Officer):
Responsible for quality assurance and quality control of every product and service in an organization.
CRDO (Chief Research & Development Officer):
Responsible for Research & Development in a company.
CRO (Chief Research Officer):
Responsible for Research.
CRO (Chief Revenue Officer):
Responsible for maximizing revenue.
CSO (Chief Sales Officer):
Responsible for sales and controls sales officers.
CSO (Chief Security Officer):
Responsible for the overall security of an organization.
>CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer):
Responsible for sustainable development.
CTO (Chief Technology Officer):
Responsible for solving scientific and technological issues within an organization.
CVO (Chief Visionary Officer):
Responsible for the development of business strategy and corporate visions.
CWO (Chief Web Officer):
Responsible for the web presence of an organization.
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Any reason why the Chief Financial Officer is missing in this list?
Thank you for your valuable input. We have added the CFO.