I am happy for you that you got the invitation to an International Job interview because of your sincere work and the awesome resume. Now you got the chance to join your dream job. As a professional resume writer, I know how hard it is to get such chances. Interviews are the hardest thing you have to face while hunting for a job because other tests and qualifications can be cleared by practice. But interview skills are hard to achieve, even after you attend many seminars and webinars on it. In this International interview preparation guide, I have mentioned some international interview tips that you must check before going on the journey. So without further adieu, let’s get into the topic.
What is an international interview and how it differs from others?
There are many similarities between normal interviews and International interviews. The motive, expectation, and the questions asked are similar most of the time. Read the ultimate job interview preparation checklist for the most common things you need to check before any interview.
Though there are many similarities between them, still there are some differences also. Before getting into that you should know what types of interviews are considered as International interviews and various forms of conducting them.
In simple words, the Interview that you attend outside your home country is considered an international interview. You need to travel abroad for this. But you should also note the interviews held in your residence by the companies which are incorporated in other countries can also be considered as International interviews. The thing is all the interview which contains the recruiters from other countries or another culture is counted as an international interview.
Normally International interviews are held in the face to face method. For some jobs for which the Geographic location of the candidate is not important. They are held through telephone, Skype, or other channels of video chat and through other online methods. There are some telephonic interview tips that may help you.
Ok now, let’s see the differences in International Interviews. There are different languages and cultures for different commodities.
People around the world practice different cultures. It’s important to know the host country culture and the company’s culture to succeed in the interview. It not only helps the interview but also your living in the host country after you get the job. Here is an example of cultural differences:
- It is in the culture of Asian countries to remove the shoes or slippers on the doorstep. Though this is changing now there are still some companies or offices which pay attention to this. On the other hand, in western countries, it is inappropriate to remove your shoes.
- Dress code is also playing an important role in the International interviews, some countries have superstations that black dress as a bad sign.
The above said are just a few examples of cultural differences. There are many like using surnames, usage of Block letters in the email, etc…
Many corporate countries are adopting the western culture so now the cultural differences will not be the major drawback for the International Interviews.
Though many international interviews are made in English, it is better to know some foreign country languages. It will help you to communicate with the people who live there. Language differences are now eradicated by translator apps and gadgets.
International Interview Tips:

Here is the ultimate international interview preparation checklist:
Remind Date and Time of Interview:
Countries across the world present in different time zones, so get cleared with the time standard followed (GMT, EST, etc…), and also some countries have their calendars.
Know the Venue and Travel details:
You can’t lose your life’s precious opportunity by getting lost in a new country. So it is important to get detailed information about the venue of the interview, and modes of transport to the place from the nearest airport.
Collect Proper Contact Details:
You can get a contact number of the companies or their candidate help center numbers. This will help you to get details if you get lost.
Find the Recruiter’s Name:
It’s better to know the name and position of the recruiter in the company. It will help you to prepare your answers.
Do your homework:
You should do your research about the company’s motives, cultures, and recent news. You can get these details from the company’s official website, company’s LinkedIn profile, and other social media pages. Also, check the effect of the company in the local media and peoples. You should get clear about the product or service they provide. From this above information, you can make predictions about the questions that will be asked in the interview and prepare the answers for them. You can check our blog top 20 most common job interview questions and answers to prepare yourself.
Plan everything :
As you’re going to a place about which you have no idea, it is better to pre-Plan everything. You can book your flight tickets early. Make a detailed plan for your stay (hotel), food, and other events. Select a convenient hotel and restaurant near your interview place with good transport facilities. Try to get the map of the place using Google maps. Save the emergency number of the country on your phone. If you are unable to do this yourself, then hire a professional translator and a tour guide.
Move one day before:
It is better to board the flight to the new country at least one day before the interview because you can’t rely only on the information on the internet. During the one day, get enough rest and make sure all things that you see online are available in reality. You can trial your interview day travel one time and familiarize yourself with the interview place. Also, get familiar with the emergency service facilities of the locals.
Try a Mock Interview:
It is better to have a trial interview with your friend. This will help you to get fluent in the new language (words you are going to say in the interview, it will take time to become fluent in the language). If your interview is held through Skype or Telephone then it is better to make a trial interview with your friend, to check the internet connection and video quality. Other than these benefits, it also gives you confidence.
Additional tips for international interview:
- Get aware of the functions, celebrations, or big events in the local areas, because this may cause a delay in your travel to the interview place. The interviewer may also ask some questions about this in the interview.
- Prepare your answers according to the interview time range. There are also cultural differences in countries like America, Austria, and some European countries that consider time as linear and monochromic. They will wish to end the interview within the time limit. But Eastern European countries and other countries in the world consider the time as subjective. They concentrate on the quality of the interview rather than the time it takes. Knowing this will help you prepare your answers.
- Make the interview as a conversation rather than just answering the questions of the recruiter. Take time to ask questions to the interviewer. This shows that you are interested and serious about the job.
- After the end of the interview, send a greeting email to the recruiter by adding your plus points with it. If you didn’t get the response within one week (or informed date) from the recruiter, then send a request email to them. This will show your sincerity to the recruiter.
- Always have extra cash in the country’s currency and supplies in your hand, and also plan your return journey properly.